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Fear in Its Rightful Place Part 5

Before exploring God's role let's just consider a concept that can aid us in dealing with fear. Since our scope of control is so limited...

Taking a Brief Break

It is time. Not my favorite time but an important time on the farm. We are harvesting our pigs, both last week and this week. This...

Fear in Its Rightful Place Part 4

Life becomes the problem when we seek to control our world. The need for control saps us of our vitality and enjoyment of life because we...

Fear in Its Rightful Place Part 3

In college, I had a friend who was a West Point graduate, army ranger and a devout Christian and one evening while talking we both...

Fear in its Rightful Place Part 2

Matthew 10:26-31 26 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be...

Fear in Its Rightful Place Part 1

I have struggled with fear for as long as I can remember, but I am here to encourage you; it doesn’t have to rule your life. In 2008 my...

Fear in Its Rightful Place Introduction

What is Fear? Appropriate Fear vs. Pathological Fear Definition: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is...

Failure is a four-letter word

Failure is a four letter word in my book. Okay, I can count and I know it’s actually seven but I have spent much of my life treating it...

This is a Moment! Living For Real 3

So we know that knowing and doing are not the same things because so often there is a gap between them. Steve Garber, a Christian...

What Makes the Difference? Living For Real 2

Jesus's life demonstrated two things that I know my life needs. First, his view of reality included total dependence on the Father to...

Living for Real

One day a while back I had a great idea, walk with the kids out to the blueberry patch. Carrying bowls and colanders, we could pick some...

The Plan...

As we move through the next year my plan is to post Monday through Friday on the Encouragement page. I hope to work on videos on the...

Don't be Afraid of What You Might Find

As we persevere with spending time in the Word, we may begin to discover unexpected things. Maybe not this week or next, but sometime...

Real Resolutions are Messy

How is it going? Everything on schedule? Or have you missed a day? Forgotten in the rush to get out the door? Had your neatly planned...

Learning to Look Past the Layers

Each one of us has layers upon layers of experiences, built up, that shape our personalities and guide our reactions. We may have a...

Staying Warm in this World

See the fat pony See the snow on the fat pony See the power of insulation, both fur and fat, on that fat pony! Okay, that is an awful...

Happy NEW Life!

2018 New Year’s Challenge: Love the word... Resolve to be in the word Learn the word Meditate on the word Lean on the word Search the...

Welcoming the NEW

So What, Now What? This was the question my campus minister, Doug asked each time he introduced us to a new concept in college, “So what,...

Preparing for the NEW 2

What about us? Is God our first love? That was the question I posed yesterday. It is a key question and a challenging one, does God...

Preparing for the NEW

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am...

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