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Real Resolutions are Messy


How is it going? Everything on schedule? Or have you missed a day? Forgotten in the rush to get out the door? Had your neatly planned quiet time interrupted by a two hour delay, the need to shovel, or a doggy emergency? That should be no surprise, but still we are surprised! And discouraged. It can feel like a failure when our desire to grow and improve feels so out of reach but my encouragement to you and to myself today is to stick with it.

Expect there will be interruptions, detours and delays, in fact count on it, but also make a determination to persevere regardless of those momentary distractions. So you lose track for a couple of days, so what? Skip what you missed or pick up where you left off and forge on. My nearly pathological fear of failure has caused me to slam a lot of doors in my own face. I may not even try and at the least hint of defeat, I quit before I am found out. To what end? How am I growing? What am I learning?

Resolution, by the very definition of the word, is going to need some backbone.

re·solve rəˈzälv/

1. (v) settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).

2. (v) decide firmly on a course of action."

1. (n) firm determination to do something.

Do you see it? Right in the definition, this is not going to happen to us, we have to grab a hold of it. We can do this, but it's going to be messy, and that's all right.

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