A bruised reed He will not break,
& a smoldering wick He will not snuff out,
till He has brought justice through to victory.
Smoldering Wick is the publication of Singing Wren Farm, an experiment in controlled chaos. It is a place where there is birth and death, growth and decay, joy and sorrow. "Smoldering Wick" is a reference to an Old Testament quotation from Isaiah 42:2-3 that Jesus cites in Matthew 12:20, it declares that God's anointed, Jesus, will care for the broken and those just barely hanging on until everything is made right. Singing Wren Farm is named to speak to the joy of creation and Smoldering Wick speaks to the tension we experience as we long for the complete restoration of all of God's creation. We welcome you to join us in person, in prayer, or by mail (electronic and otherwise).