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This is a Moment! Living For Real 3


So we know that knowing and doing are not the same things because so often there is a gap between them. Steve Garber, a Christian author, once explained it this way, "In the Hebrew, if you say 'I know' something, it implies you are doing it. So for example, if you tell your son to take out the trash and he says, 'I know, Dad.' Unless the trash is on the curb, he does not know!" How many times in my life do I say, "I know!", when in fact I must not actually know because I am not living it?

It is my desire, every day, to look forward to the next opportunity, to live like I KNOW what I know. But this is not going to happen naturally or by accident. Yelling and freaking out, that's as easy as falling off a log for me, but patience, graciousness, and gentleness? Self-control is an act of God that is only possible if I am full to the brim with God's own presence and that only happens when I make time to listen and spend time with Him.

As we walked down the gravel road to the blueberry patch it occurred to me... Right now! Not five minutes ago, but right now I can begin.

I can stop walking so fast.

I can ask for forgiveness from the kids, "Sorry guys for being so frustrated."

And from God, "Lord, forgive me and help me and thanks."

I can look up at the silver gray sky with bands of milky stratus clouds and feel the humidity and the heat and be glad that in this very moment I am alive.

The dog bumped against my leg and I smiled, “I wonder if dogs like blueberries?" I said aloud. "Let's go find out!" shouted my daughter, racing ahead laughing. I laughed too, "This is a moment" I thought, "Thank God!"

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