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Fear in Its Rightful Place Part 5


Before exploring God's role let's just consider a concept that can aid us in dealing with fear. Since our scope of control is so limited we are better served by preparation.

Preparation is simply being open to what may come and doing the work necessary to meet it when it does come. It is not obsessive (we are not talking about “prepping”) but wise.

So What, Now What? Here are some questions to ask ourselves:

What am I trying to control?

What can I control? Am I doing that?

Am I putting the energy into self-control?

How do I prepare for what may come? (many wise people have gone before us, we do not have to invent the wheel on this one, but we can be honest about challenge, difficulty, limitations and death and not try hide from them but instead prepare our hearts and minds.)

Preparing my mind to accept the challenges of life, the difficulties and tragedies does not mean dwelling on those things but instead acknowledging they are real and that they will come. Pain hurts but it is an important tool to warn us, limit us, and grow us. If I think my life should be easy, simple, and pain-free then I will only experience anger and frustration. However, if I know that hardship comes with living and that if I choose to, I can grow in the midst of trouble, I am better equipped for the reality of this life.

Pain and hardship are not popular topics these days but there are countless people that have to navigate a life full of both. Being afraid of either stunts us, in my life when I have opened myself up to loss I have grown in depth and compassion. Jesus walked these roads before us and He is always available to help us.

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