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Cliches: Overused but True?

Writer: NicoleNicole

While we were cutting wood this past weekend I came across this snowdrop and the saying "Hope springs eternal" came to my mind.  Cliche? Yes, but looking around at my cousin's woods, devestated by an EF0 and gust front, to see this flower emerging from the jumble of broken trees and what was left after the lumber company took what could be used,  the saying also seemed emminently true.

There are so many sayings and cliches that are ringing true to me these days.  Perhaps they become cliche because they are apt observances of life that seem shopworn due to to overuse? I am not sure, but what goes around, comes around.  I've learned not put all my eggs in one basket and look before I leap since counting my chickens is as dangerous as casting my pearls before swine ;)

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