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Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

My dining room table holds a veritable smorgasbord of planning,calculating and mapping paraphernalia. Tis' the season to make farm lists, fa la la la laaa la la la la.

I am trying to be realistic about my past with planning tools. I like them, I use them... for a week and then forget about them and go back to my scattered methodology. Some people gravitate to organization like a chicken to cracked corn, but then there are people like me whose brains drift like unfenced horses wandering after the next green tuft of grass. In truth though, I can be organized. It has happened, I just need the accountability and desire to make it happen. The conditions that bring about organization in the past have been a sense of responsibility towards others, a desire to be professional and to do my job well. When I was a teacher, when I worked at the church, when I was director at CBS, when I ran my own business: does that count as proof that it happened?.

Now, to be honest there were times when I forgot to hand in forms, forgot I had switched client's times, and arrived late because I had overbooked my day, but these were isolated incidents not characteristics of my daily routine. I worked hard, did a good job, and I WAS ORGANIZED.

So, here I am living my dream and it is time to GET ORGANIZED. I am not moving (after 3 years of household shuffling from house to apartment, to rental and camper, to rental and unfinished house, to finished house and rental, to now we need to empty the rental house, to I have just one house! Finally!) My kids are adjusted and settled in routines, and life is about the daily not the exceptional. Having the time to give to this process is a gift and I will forever be grateful to my husband for spurring me along in this alien and at times intimidating process.

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