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Choosing to Embrace What is Hard


I am not sure why I have this lurking suspicion that life should be easy, but my sense of profound irritation that overcomes me whenever I am thwarted clearly points to it. "What is the deal HERE!" or "Oh Come ON! Seriously!" would never escape my lips unless deep down I really believed things were out of whack. Difficulty, challenge, confusing circumstances, or the serendipitous failure of bucket handles should not surprise me. This world is a challenging place full of many factors enormous and small that intersect with my life but own me nothing. For example, it feels like whenever I need to move furniture and I don't cover it with a tarp a rain shower will pursue and overtake me. I can feel the inevitability coming on with the building rain clouds. The problem is weather patterns are globally nuanced systems that don't care about my moving plans. Rain doesn't follow me and what about the dozens of times I've gotten away with moving uncovered stuff on sunny days? God loves us, He catres about the the little things, but we are NOT the center of the universe. His providence has been so gracious that I am like a spoiled kid who thinks I should ALWAYS get my way.

Note to self: If I even begin to get angry or verbally complain about some daily frustration I need to stop myself and take a deep breathe and remember I'm only mad because of the 1,000 things that went right so far that day to get me to this moment.

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