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Choosing to Be Light


I take myself too seriously, no seriously! I do! It's true, Mike could tell you, it's his greatest sadness because he loves to be playful, light and jokey. I on the other hand lean toward gravitas. Don't get me wrong I can joke and be quick on the draw when it comes to punning (Thanks Dad!) But still, I miss the joke some times. I watched Oceans 11 waiting for the part where Danny and the crew get caught by the mobsters and tortured in a Fargo-esque blood bath. I was so tense by the end of the movie that I had a headache, seriously!

"Mike, was this a comedy? Really?"

(And he wonders why I now get on Wikipedia to find out how whatever we are watching will end.)

G.K. Chesterton wrote of levity in Orthodoxy and the exact quote escapes me now but in summary he was describing how St. Theresa would levitate while praying and then be heard to tell God, "Put me Down!" He describes how the cloaks of saints and monks seem light and swirling when compared to the jewel bedecked robes of pontiffs and kings. That in Christ we should tread lightly in this world as Christ did. He challenged me, because I cannonball through life like a safe pushed off a roof.

"Look out below!"

So it is a choice of mine to not only be grateful but also light, gentle, flexible, winsome and joyful. Or at least begin to tread a bit more lightly, make room for the unexpected, smile more readily, and for pity's sake laugh at myself (okay, pray for me that is still a work in progress).

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